An opportunity to promote the North American Museum of Ancient Life in Lehi, Utah promoted the initial production of this web site. Seizing a dinosaur-naming event during the grand opening of the Museum in July 2001, this site was created to call attention to the hard working, dedicated paleontologists who labor in remote fossil fields and laboratories throughout the world.
Their work contributes to our knowledge of the transformation of the earth and its effect on our daily lives. We also took the opportunity to create and establish links to other dinosaur-related web sites.
We invite scholars, paleontologists, and dinosaur hunters who chance upon this site, to explore the dinosaur-related links and materials.
Finally this site provided a venue to explore and record the life and times of families related to the George E. Wilson family. The links to genealogical sites may contain material of interest to those families whose rich heritage has contributed to the success and genes of the current generations.
The Wilson family pages are riding piggyback on this web site. They do not contain information related to paleontology. Genealogists may find material of interest if they seek information on the following names: Paulson, Wilson, Bennett, Britton, Robison, Harris, Church, Bone, Bobzien, and Pardella, plus enumerable families who are related or contributed to the family heritage.
Family members are encouraged to read, comment and add to the family materials.
Copyright © 2002 Gary Bobzien. All rights reserved.